Paradise or the Impermanence of Ice Cream Review - Indian Ink Theatre Company

Paradise or the Impermanence of Ice Cream Review

Actor Jacob Rajan reaches for the sky with an expression of joy on his face.

By Alan Woo (Fun! Fun! Vancouver)

We are brought into a world of sky burials, the tradition of leaving deceased bodies in towers to be stripped to the bone by vultures. And yes, there is a vulture in this show, and it’s pretty magnificent, even if it isn’t a real one.

It’s probably not fair to call this a one-person show, although Jacob does all the heavy lifting. But let’s not forget about the vulture and the vulture’s handler, Jon Coddington.

However, it’s definitely because of Rajan’s ability to seamlessly switch from one character to another that propels the story along. We meet Kutisar on the night of his death, as he flashes back to moments in his life that have led him here.

At 80 mins with no intermission, the standing ovation at the end was well deserved.