Commissioned by the prestigious South Coast Repertory Theatre based in Orange County, this deliciously dark comedy with bite sees a gang of death-row convicts set free from Auburn Prison for one wild night to tell the tragic tale of their hero, the man who invented the electric chair.
Based on a true story, the play speaks of a divided world where faith is more powerful than fact and shame drives a hard bargain. The fictional injection of real Indian scientist Chandra Bose, whose world-leading research into electricity was ahead of its time, gives an Indian Ink twist to the telling. Presented in dynamic vaudevillian style; a variety show performance form popular in 1890s America where this story is set, Welcome to the Murder House features comedy, puppetry, live music, song and dance to entertain and delight whilst recounting a powerful, tragic and moving tale.
Jacob Rajan returns to the stage with a stellar cast, accompanied by David Ward and band in Indian Ink’s biggest ever extravaganza. Experience a night of naughty fun that will leave you to decide who the real villains are.
Show contains explicit language, sexual references and images of death. Recommended for ages 13+
Jacob is a founding partner of Indian Ink and co-wrote all of Indian Ink’s plays as well as performing in many of them. He is a graduate of Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama school, Otago University (B.Sc Microbiology) and Wellington Teacher’s College. Jacob is an Arts Foundation Laureate and a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to theatre.
David is a musician and composer for theatre and film who has enjoyed a creative collaboration with Indian Ink for over 20 years; composing, performing and musically directing 8 of their shows since 2004. In 2010 and 2014 he was awarded “Most Outstanding Composer” at the Chapman Tripp Theatre Awards for Guru of Chai and Kiss the Fish.
Justin is a founding partner of Indian Ink. He has co-written and directed all of Indian Ink’s plays. He is a graduate of the John Bolton Theatre School and the University of Auckland.
Justin was one of the founders of Auckland’s Q Theatre and received a Kaupapa Oranga Award for his services to theatre.
Dramaturge for all of Indian Ink’s productions. Poet, critic and fiction writer, Murray has published many books. Worked for Living Theatre Troupe, Theatre Action, Half Moon Theatre (London), Town and Country Players (founder), and Mercury Theatre. Associate Professor (now retired) of Drama Programmes at Auckland University (1990-2014).
John has designed all of Indian Ink’s productions bar one. With over 40 years’ experience, John is a leading New Zealand stage designer with an extensive portfolio of work including productions with NZ Opera, Auckland Theatre Company, Silo Theatre, The Large Group and many others.
Elizabeth has designed costumes for New Zealand Opera, Auckland Theatre Company, NZ Festival and Auckland Festival, Silo, Court Theatre, Red Leap and Okareka Dance, Black Grace, Douglas Wright Dance, Michael Parmenter, Atimira, NZ Dance Company and the Royal New Zealand Ballet. She designed costumes for Pop-Up Theatre London for Edinburgh Festival.
For the Indian Ink Theatre Company’s new play Welcome to the Murder House, it’s all in the execution.
Welcome to the Murder House is dark, deadly, a little bit sexy, and something you definitely should read the press release for before you see because it does not pull any punches.