Laugh, Cry, Dance, Eat - Indian Ink Theatre Company

Laugh, Cry, Dance, Eat

By Stuff Taranaki

Set in the back of Mrs Krishnan’s dairy, you’ll be transported from watching a performance in the basement of New Plymouth’s TSB Showplace to a casual chat at a friend’s house.

Kalyani Nagarajan, who does an incredible performance as Mrs Krishnan, was adamant not to call the show interactive or immersive.

I struggle to find another word to describe it but it is not interactive theatre as you know it.

Before the show starts garlands, scarves, and bindis are handed out to make sure the audience look the part for the role they are about to play.

The audience are guests at Mrs Krishnan’s aspiring DJ boarder James’, played by Justin Rogers, party to celebrate Hindu Festival Onam.

The guests give poor Mrs K the surprise of her life when she gets home but she soon comes around to the idea deciding to feed everyone.

Party goers will help her get food from the pantry, stir the onions, and have a chat about their love life.

Rogers and Nagarajan think quick to weave improvised audience names and stories into their regular script, always getting big laughs.

They make it look authentic and not like they’re doing the same show every night.

In between the hilarity though there is real heart – cue said crying.

You’re a fly on the wall as they go through hardships and hard truths and help each other through.

James is a loveable idiot who you can’t help but feel for. He’s filled with passion and happiness but not really sure where he’s going in life.

Whereas Mrs Krishnan lost her husband years ago, burying herself into work and losing her passion and happiness.

All ages can enjoy this wee gem of a show and take away a few lessons about what’s important in life.