Videos Archives - Indian Ink Theatre Company

Behind the


Making of Dirty Work thumbnail

Making of Dirty Work

The show might be over (for now) but we’ll always have the memories…

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Dirty Work trailer thumbnail

Dirty Work Trailer

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Jacob Rajan sits with a smile on his face and a cartoon map of NZ next to him. The map has dots for Auckland, Nelson, Christchurch, Wellington & Tauranga

Dirty Work explained by Jacob Rajan

Dirty Work: An Ode to Joy explained by Jacob Rajan

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Actor Jacob Rajan as Zina with a half face mask looking over a toy baby in a cradle

Behind the Dairy Featurette

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Puppeteer Jon Coddington with Gerry the Vulture puppet facing Actor Jacob Rajan in a pink shirt

Paradise Featurette

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Jacob Rajan and Justin Lewis sit in front of a yellow wall laughing

Onam with Justin & Jacob

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Actor Justin Rogers as DJ Jimmy J acting as a DJ

Mrs Krishnan’s Party with Kalyani & Justin

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Actor wearing a long oversized face mask stands in front of a globe wearing a suit

The Magic of Masks

Ever wondered why Indian Ink loves masks so much? In this brief behind-the-scenes clip, the cast and writers discuss the use of masks

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An Actor in an oversized face mask with a circular nose looks intently at their hands

Playing Multiple Characters

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